miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Treinta maravillosos años

Hoy, 23 de Febrero de 2011, se cumplen treinta años de un momento crítico en la historia de España. Tras los largos años de la dictadura franquista, una nueva ola de esperanza llegó a este país, la ansiada Democracia. Sin embargo, no todo el mundo estuvo de acuerdo con las medidas tomadas. España iba a pasar a ser una Monarquía Constitucional, algo totalmente nuevo para todos. Por eso se intentó frenar la Democracia con un ataque el Parlamento.

Y al igual que en otros momentos de la historia de este país, fueron los militares quienes primero protestaron ante la nueva situación. Cuando un militar hace un golpe de estado se llama PRONUNCIAMIENTO. Hemos tenido muchos a lo largo de los años en España, y la mayoría fracasó, aunque otros triunfaron. El último pronunciamiento militar fue el famoso 23-F.

De forma curiosa, los militares que se alzaron fueron Guardias Civiles, cuerpo militar pero también policial. Gracias a la oposición del Rey, los políticos y sobre todo de los ciudadanos españoles, dicho intento golpista no tuvo éxito.

Los expertos están de acuerdo en que este momento de nuestra historia sirvió para fortalecer la constitución española y nuestra democracia.

Uno de los responsables de tal acción fue Antonio Tejero quien se convirtió en la cabeza visible por ser él quien entró al Congreso de los Diputados, pistola en mano, y dijo la famosa frase "¡Quieto todo el mundo!"

Por suerte esa ha sido la última vez en la que los disparos sonaron en el Congreso de los Diputados de España. Esperamos que nunca más suenen balas en nuestro país.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Smoking is banned from Spain - Ley antitabaco

If you are a smoker forget about Spain and its bars, you are not allowed anymore to smoke in any premises whatsoever. Only terraces and open spaces can be used for smoking, unless they're too close a health centre or a school.

The controversy in a country like Spain was to be expected, the Ley Anti-Tabaco, is changing enormously our perception and culture, at least for a while. Smokers, the vast majority of bar's clients, are no longer going to the same old places or they go less. Many go to bars only if it's completely neccessary, like a pay-per-view Real Madrid match, and have let the bars down.

Some bar owners are reluctant to apply the new law, as well as many clients. We've had several issues about it. The most known of them is the case in Guadalmina, just five minute drive from our school, whose owner declared war to the Government about the law. He had to ban smoking from his restaurant at the end because of threaten to close the business.

No matter if you smoke or not, now the bars are smoke free and the streets are full of clouds!

The typical vocabulary associated to smoking is as follows:
Lighter - Mechero
Cigarette - Cigarro o cigarrillo
Ashtray - Cenicero
Do not smoke - Prohibido fumar
In the street - En la calle :)

And I guess the typical way to get to know someone you fancy in a night club, ¿fumas? ¿Quieres fuego? (Do you smoke?; need you fire?) are lost forever.

Welcome the health.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011


In Lingua-Franca academy we are more than conscious about the vast knowledge one takes when travelling. You just  need to move arround the globe to get in touch with other cultures and people that will teach you a lot. That's why we all enjoy travelling.

If you are studying a foreign language, then you NEED to travel. Language and Culture are seen as the same thing by many experts in foreign languages and getting in touch with the language and culture is the basis of a real learning.

In Lingua-Franca we are more than consciouos about it and that's why after years teaching residents (those of you who have moved to the Costa del Sol from other countries), we have decided to make intensive courses for foreigners. We have developed a accurate system to make you go through the content in a record time but not rushing you up. However, staying in Spain for a while and studying Spanish in a spanish environment will make you learn naturally while you enjoy your holiday.

Students have afternoons and weekends free to enjoy the area, and there are many different options; from sightseeing to sunbathing, going through museums, nightclubs, restaurants, sports... the opportunities are endless!


We are proud to show our new flyers promoting our Spanish courses. Most of them are for the Costa del Sol and are as show below

flyer    flyerback

Another set of additional flyers, specifically design to the foreign market, has also been produced. These flyers are only to be sent to our agents all arround the world, people who get an extra money by promoting our courses in their home countries. Want to become an agent? click here.

european flyer    european flyerback


We are proud to introduce the brand new intensive courses in Costa del Sol for 2011. Please contact us on that regarding and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Keep up with the latest news following the blog or visit our website http://www.lingua-franca.es/