miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

21 Spanish! Learn Spanish in three intensive weeks

It only takes 21 days to build up a habit
Get the habit of speaking Spanish!

21 Spanish is an intensive language course for very beginners, and when we say intensive is not only referring to classes, but to the students’ work too

Three steps to speak Spanish in 21 days
Step 1 – Classes

Three week classes, from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 12:30 (including a break) in which all content will be taught by our experienced qualified native teachers
The first two hours will be exclusively dedicated to Grammar. After a 30 minute break, we will learn about Spanish culture and lifestyle
Weekends are just fun!

 Step 2 – Study

Then, each student must take the determination of studying for another 3 more hours. Plenty of homework will be given in addition to the course theory
Most of our activities are developed in a very repetitive way, so never feel discouraged about them. It is as practicing a sport, the more you do it, the easier it becomes
Record yourself!
We encourage each student to record a video of themselves speaking for three minutes non-stop about the content they’ve studied each day
This will enable you to become confident enough to hit the street with your new Spanish skills!

Step 3 – Enjoy!

Dedicate at least another three hours a day having fun in a Spanish speaking environment, because above all, you are on holiday in Sunny Spain!
The school will inform you about what to do and where to go, but the area is one of the best in the world for having fun, as our school is located in the heart of the Costa del Sol
The school will also promote trips and activities such as eating out, adventure sports, horse-riding, clubbing or just sunbathing on the beach. If you have any ideas, let us know and we’ll tell you how to make them come true
We will also provide you plenty of online resources for indoor enjoyment such as video links, articles to read and so on
And remember, weekends are just fun, but do whatever activities you want to do in a Spanish speaking environment

21 Spanish follows the pedagogical approach developed by our head teacher Paco Naranjo. You can get the latest information about learning languages by visiting Thinking Languages! the revolutionary method that is making the difference in language acquisition.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Cádiz milenaria


Cádiz es una de las ciudades más antiguas de Europa. Aunque hay muchos puntos de su historia antigua que no conocemos, se calcula que Cádiz debe tener unos 3.000 años de antigüedad.

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

San Fermín

La celebración de San Fermín en Pamplona, es una de las fiestas más internacionalmente conocidas de España. Buena parte de esta fama, es debido al autor americano Ernest Hemingway, y su obra “The sun also rises”, conocida en español como “Fiesta”.

Aunque la fiesta está dedicada a San Fermín y es de carácter religioso; hoy día los toros tienen mayor protagonismo en la celebración. A los españoles les encanta ver los encierros en la televisión o en directo, y son muchos los valientes que participan en estos.

San Fermín también es una fiesta de música, baile y bebida, elementos que no pueden faltar en cualquier celebración española.

A continuación puedes ver un vídeo con el primer encierro del año 2012.

¿Qué piensas de esta fiesta?
¿Y de que se usen toros?

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


It's no surprise that majority of students struggle when dealing with Spanish verbs. Today we are presenting a tool that might help you out once you're on the street and in the need of speaking. Why not having an app on your smart phone for it? This can also be useful in the class or when doing homework as it is an easy and fast way of getting the feedback you nedd.

If you are interested, you can find some more info here.

Here are a couple of pics

martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Back to school!

Classes have been resumed after the Summer break, and so the posting. More articles to come soon to help all students and friends who read this blog.

This year, we are full of new projects, new classes, new students, several material to help students, and a book to help everyone to achieve learning a language!

Keep an eye on us!


domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Be happy when you study

How do you face your responsibilities in your daily life? Do you smile at them and start doing them in a positive manner? Do you complain about what you have to do and make excuses for not doing them?

There is no deny that negative people take more effort in doing the same things positive people do, and in many cases, the results negative people get are worse. Do you want to study in a bad mood? Go home and come back later with a smile on your face!

There's no difference in learning, only by feeling in a good mood and doing things in a happy manner leads us to success. I have seen many students struggling just because they do not approach learning with the proper attitude.

To study you need to know a couple of things. Firstly, believe you can achieve studying what you want. In the case of foreign languages, beleive you will speak that language perfectly.

Secondly, never give up. It's simple, when you quit, everything's finished and you have failed. Are you impacient? We all are in a way or another, but remember you believe in yourself. Do yourself a favour, never quit.

Thirdly, be happy. Enjoy your class as much as possible, enjoy your colleagues, enjoy the new contents, enjoy life while you learn! If you are studying and you feel disapointed, you won't do well.

The thing is, you do not neccesarily need to be unhappy to miss a class, but being worried, sad, or tu push yourself too much. If you are under preassure, you won't do well.

Distractions are a dangerous thing too. Because you do not have to be unhappy to be distracted in a class really. But I see it the other way round, you are distracted because you are bored. If you are bored, you won't do well.

So what to do to do well? Just enjoy the class and see it as a game. When you learnt your first language you were an adorable baby who really enjoyed talking. Behave like a kid in your mood, and like an adult in your obligations, and you'll get it.

An article by

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Me gusta(n)...

El verbo "gustar", independientemente de si su forma está en Presente, Pasado, Futuro, funciona al revés en comparación con la mayoría de verbos del Español. El sujeto está al final, y no antes del verbo. Eso hace que su forma cambie con el singular y el plurar.

   Verbo   Sujeto Singular
Me gusta ese coche.

  Verbo      Sujeto Plural
Me gustan las almendras

El verbo gustar es un verbo que viene siempre precedido por los pronombres me, te, se, nos, os y les.

Academia de Idiomas